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Custom Vans Australia brings you VANFEST 2025!

Custom Vans Australia was formed in 2022, introducing the NSW State Van Titles and Custom Street Machine Show in 2023 and again in 2024, after the want for a NSW State based event was longed for by Vanners!

One of the main goals for the NSW State Van Titles and Custom Street Machine Show was to create and utilise a transparent, fair and honest judging system. This was to coincide with the biggest aim of the movement and that was to put traditional show vans back in the spotlight, where they belong.

Our judging system was composed to provide a level playing field for ALL vans, based purely on the van itself and results drawn from a straightforward points-based system that rewarded customisation and imagination.

All of our judges were selected from those that have worked, or still work in an industry that specialises in the area they are judging. For example, you could expect to have a panel beater and spray painter scrutinising your body work and paint. That way, you are guaranteed a fair judgement from an experienced and trusted eye, of what you presented on the day.

We ran this system successfully, both years and are proud to be heading into our third year with it in place.

Over the past two years we’ve taken the time to listen to the Vanners and what it is that they really want to get out of their vans, which is what has led us to ‘VANFEST’.

A weekend that sees more cruising, more music, more kicking back with your mates and just vanning with your vans.

There’ll still be a ‘Show ‘n’ Shine’ with awesome trophies up for grabs, encapsulating an Australia wide Top 10 Vans, and a NSW Top 3 Vans and numerous Iconic Vanners choices, amongst other accolades, however, ‘VANFEST’ sets out to take you back to a time which you’ve missed, for a good 20 years or more now.

You won’t want to miss it!

All entries will be via the website this year, with instructions about on-site accommodation to come afterwards. Please direct all enquiries about the event to Ashleigh at Custom Vans Australia.

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